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A Psychic Intuition

Anyone can look to the sky, see dark clouds and say “I think it’s going to rain”. That isn’t a psychic knowing, but common sense. Psychic knowing is when you see something without having any other reason for seeing that knowledge. Psychic Intuition can give you a feeling for a situation, especially in the present.

You may walk up to your front door and get that intuitive feeling something is wrong inside; you may turn up to work and get an intuitive sense your manager wanted to speak to you. The best psychics might even know what their manager wanted to say before they even opened their mouth!

A psychic knowing is the same as intuition but stronger, deeper. You might see an image, have a distinct feeling that is descriptive, alive. You just know something. You might not be sure why.

Be aware of when you may get feelings or descriptions; when you meet people at this stage I wouldn’t begin sharing with them straight away but when they talk to you in general conversation, it’s a good time to confirm what you have already sensed.


If you can remember them, these can be very intuitive. Not all dreams are psychic, but many can be indicators. Many people are intuitive, but not all people are psychic. Most of us could hold/sing a note if asked to and perhaps had someone on a piano to guide us, but does this mean we are destined to be singers?

Now to really see if your dreams are psychic, you need to interpret them. These can be done by another psychic or when you look deeper at the meaning of your dreams. At first a dream may seem random, for example:

I was in a swimming pool on a cruise ship, swimming, but finding it difficult. I then went to eat lunch in the restaurant but I couldn’t chew the food, so I returned to my cabin and saw my room key was # 304. I then went in and was annoyed that the bed wasn’t made. I then woke up.

My interpretation of the dream would be as follows:

1) Your difficulty in swimming could be a sign you are unable to process your current emotions.
2) When you failed to chew your food in the restaurant, it could have been a sign related to the throat Chakra (teeth & mouth), telling me you are unable to ‘chew over’ current situations in your life.
3) The cruise ship could symbolise your journey forward, and the need to sail with emotional requirements.
4) Cabin # 304, the numerology link = 3 + 0 + 4 = 7, a completion of events and processes, a new chapter, new beginnings.
5) The unmade bed – this is your place of sanctuary and rest, if it is unmade, it is a sign your sanctuary is threatened.

When a psychic or dream analyst reads for their client, they can perhaps link it to an existing underlying issue. In this case, my client had a work promotion coming up. I could interpret their dream as being about that future promotion, the journey forward which should be happy and fun – but their emotional side is causing a strain. Not discussing their worries and fears, the new beginning they have worries about, or not feeling supported by others.

Why is this dream psychic? Yes, it could be intuition. However, delve deeper and they are intuitively receiving dream symbols that relate to fears or worries. That could indicate, on a psychic level, they are already aware they may be getting the promotion so trying to clear up anything negative within themselves could lead to a positive outcome. One of the things about psychic intuition – it often goes deeper than the surface.

The Inner Calling

Many people who ask me about their own psychic abilities have already had links with their Guides. They’ve felt like they saw something out of the corner of their eye, or knew someone was going to call before they did. Psychics will often recall they felt drawn to things of a psychic or holistic nature.

My mum’s side of the family were psychic, intuitive and spiritual and so I have always felt I had an inner calling. I went to develop my psychic skills and one of the things I was asked many times was, “Did any of us feel we had an inner calling?”. Everybody in the room put their hand up.

Those who question whether they have the psychic awareness have already felt drawn and had a psychic experience. The very fact you’re asking is a sign. Your inner soul, spirit and desire to learn and know more. You probably found yourself around intuitive people or psychics already! The universe usually finds a way to bring us together. Follow that inner calling today and speak to a psychic directly. I found getting the first few questions off my chest really helped when I began to truly open up and get to grips with my psychic abilities. Having that one-on-one support can be a great benefit and of course, you can’t ask all those little questions that sometimes in a big group you may feel too embarrassed to ask.

The early days and getting those niggling little questions asked can get the ball rolling on to what could be a moving and enriching experience. Get help developing your Psychic Skills today!